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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Sara

Oh shoot guys, summer is almost over! I can't believe August is right around the corner. There's still some warm weather left to enjoy and I hope you are all making the most of it. I thought I'd share some of my favorite summer things to make your hot weather days a bit sunnier. Here's a few items that are keeping me cool.

My summer tunes: Best Coast's Crazy for You. This is the debut album from Best Coast and it couldn't have come out at a better time. The cover alone screams "Summer, woo hoo!" It's a perfect summertime listen because it's just simply good. Catchy pop lyrics that aren't exstential and bring back the golden age of the Beach Boys. The inner hipster in me loves the light layer of static laced throughout to give it just enough complexity to keep me interested. Lead singer Bethany has that voice that is relatable, consistant, and playful. The singles on this album aren't polarizing. There is something all friends can enjoy here and I can see this album played on the beaches of both California and New York. If you are in need of a sunny happy album, here you go. My favorite song on the album is "Boyfriend" You can get a sample of the band on myspace.

My summer drink: A bottle of Rose wine. Rose is very trendy right now. Everyone from the Today show to Food and Wine magazine are mad about Rose wine. Often mistaken for white zins (simply based on the pink-ish color) Rose has gotten a strange rep for being a sweet wine with no personality. A great Rose is bone dry ( don't be scared!) and simply floral smelling. Ours at the vineyard have flavors of strawberries and raspberries but a almost peppery finish to balance the whole wine out. Rose wines hold up very well with summertime grilling and a customer recently told me he was at his happiest with a bottle of Rose and oyesters on the half shell.

My summer acessory: So THE summer must here in New York is quirky eyewear. Even the basic black plastic rim glasses must have a bit of odd to them. I personally go through sunglasses like tissues. They tend to get lost or broken, so there is no way I am paying anything over $20 for a pair. But I gotta have my cool so I just picked up a pair of sunglasses from as seen below:

Wild, right? I'll post a pic soon on how they look on me a bit later! Now, online shopping is a bit of a risk, but if the return policy is easy then why not? I've shopped a bit at Modcloth awhile now and have yet to be disappointed. They list very accurate messurements and other girls review the items, good or bad. It's not easy finding something that no one else has, but this website is a great start to find something that's all you!
So these are a few of my favorite summer things. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, except the Elams who are enjoying their wintertime in New Zealand. Bye for now!

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